Sunday, October 6, 2019

Around Kenya in 4 days and a year ( part 2)

The New Year adventure continued past the sad mercury laden mines of Migori to the Tanzania border , Isebania in particular. We met up with professor Sangai Mohochi and had a brief gander into Tanzania ( Serere) for a beer. Later we had some Orokore Beer made from millet, we sat around a car tyre sipping still fermenting beer from straws.

We took our leave from the professor and had a long drive out to Rusinga island. A beautiful place without much of the tourist trappings lakeside places have. The Suba culture is being revived with festivals. We woke up early and did a trip around Rusinga Island and visited Tom Mboya's Mausoleum. One of my high school's illustrious alumni. 

After another long day of driving and some fiddling with charging phones directly from a car battery ( another story on how many engineers does it take to charge a phone), we ended up in Naiberi River Campsite. It is more like a glamping spot and ideal for a quiet New Year's celebration around a fire in the main hall.

A late lunch/early dinner at Rift Valley Lodge Golf Club. We went for a post dinner walk on the greens and ran into herds of zebras and antelopes. No wonder this golf club is classed as one of the best in the Africa. All the excitement was followed by an uneventful drive back to Nairobi.

We arrived tired but energized the beauty and possibilities in Kenya. The roads need to be built, electricity needs to be channeled to houses, there is a lot to do. We look forward to hanging around and getting it done. Eric is heading back to his PhD at Harvard, Gichini will be doing something about the weather prediction and I have helped put Lori Systems on a solid technical footing and change the Logistics landscape.

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